The work of CJP’s Center for Combating Antisemitism is geared toward making antisemitism socially and politically unacceptable. Since October 7, we have accelerated and adapted the implementation of our 5-Point Plan to combat antisemitism and anti-Zionism to meet urgent needs in our community and leverage opportunities to make proactive and long-term impact in civic spaces, campuses, and schools.    

To empower our community and our allies, we’ve provided resources for you to enhance your knowledge, find like-minded groups working toward fostering a flourishing community, and discover opportunities for action and activism.  

Resources were curated in part in collaboration with the Foundation to Combat Antisemitism (FCAS).

PJ Library

Research shows that one of the best ways that we can help prepare our children to cope with discrimination and intolerance is by being open about it.

PJ Library

Historical fiction book about Nazis invading Denmark and a young boy's courage.

Project Shema

How to incorporate antisemitism training into DEI programs in the workplace.

Salem State University

This academic center is committed to advancing research, education, and public programing in the fields of Holocaust education, human rights, and more.

Moriah Films/Simon Wiesenthal Center

The film Ever Again, narrated by Academy Award®-winning actor/director Kevin Costner, examines the resurgence of violent antisemitism and terrorism.


Built to pay tribute to the six million killed and honor the survivors. It offers a unique opportunity for reflection on the importance of human rights.


A variety of courses exploring how the Holocaust happened using videos, primary resources, survivors’ artwork, a virtual tour of the Holocaust Museum, and survivors’ testimonies.


A three-part series in which educators will learn to define, recognize, and respond to antisemitism.

Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)

Address antisemitism through education.

Lappin Foundation

In this free program, Dr. Samantha Vinokor-Meinrath offers suggestions and resources and answers questions on how address this important subject with your children.

Louis D. Brandeis Center

A fact sheet offering insight on the importance of defining antisemitism, discussing the “gold standard” definition, and providing guidance on what steps are needed to utilize this definition.

US Attorney Massachusetts

U.S. attorney, Rachael Rollins, announces call line to report hate: 1-83-END-H8-NOW (1-833-634-8669)