The work of CJP’s Center for Combating Antisemitism is geared toward making antisemitism socially and politically unacceptable. Since October 7, we have accelerated and adapted the implementation of our 5-Point Plan to combat antisemitism and anti-Zionism to meet urgent needs in our community and leverage opportunities to make proactive and long-term impact in civic spaces, campuses, and schools.    

To empower our community and our allies, we’ve provided resources for you to enhance your knowledge, find like-minded groups working toward fostering a flourishing community, and discover opportunities for action and activism.  

Resources were curated in part in collaboration with the Foundation to Combat Antisemitism (FCAS).


This brief guide is designed to help Jewish institutions to “be alert” for suspicious activity.


Run by the ADL, this tracker provides the latest news, trends and developments in antisemitism and related activity.


If you have experienced or witnessed an incident of antisemitism, extremism, bias, bigotry or hate, please report it using the incident form below. We will work to assess your situation and respond as quickly as possible. Any personal information provided will be kept strictly confidential.


Discover actions you can take to fight antisemitism in the U.S. and globally.


An interactive education program that equips Jewish youth and college students with effective tools and responses to antisemitism and anti-Israel bias on campus.


Get the latest up-to-date analysis of current events and historical trends related to our work fighting antisemitism, extremism and hate.


ADL’s 2022 Never Is Now | World's Largest Summit on Antisemitism and Hate


Build a learning community of inclusivity, respect and equity. Every person in your school has a role to play. Commit to making your school part of the solution.


Tools to fight online hate and harrassment.

Academic Engagement Network

Explaining Campus Antisemitic Events: Why antisemitic events vary across American colleges and universities.


Strengthen your school's responses to incidents of bias and bigotry.


Learn how you can actively challenge bias, cultivate inclusivity, and model how students can do the same.